Slicing a Banana
Color Coded
Work area with waterproof surface
Tray or basket with bananas pulled apart
Cutting board
Paper towel or napkin
Sharp knife
Plates for serving
Toothpicks in a holder to use for serving
Optional: individual slice dish
*Color coded
Functional Independence
Visual Motor Coordination
Fine Motor Coordination
Development of a Sense of Order by Following a Sequence of Steps
Age: 3 and up
Preparation: The child knows how to roll and unroll and underlay. They have participated in serving themselves snack. The child will be familiar with the dishwashing procedure.
Invite one child for a lesson on slicing a banana.
Each put on aprons and wash hands.
Show the child the materials and ask them to take the underlay and unroll it on the table.
Ask the child to bring the tray of materials from the shelf to the table.
Layout all of the items with the plate and toothpicks at the top center of the underlay. Lay the Sponge to the right of the plate.
The cutting board sits in front of the child with the knife to the left and the napkin to the right.
Have the child put the tray back on the shelf.
Explain what you are going to do. Return to the shelf and select a banana to take to the table.
Move your stool to the front of the table and sit.
Unfold the paper towel and lay it on the right side of the table. And show the child how to pick up the knife with the non-dominant hand placing it in the dominant hand. Explain the blade is sharp.
Hold the banana steady and cut off the end, turn the banana around, and cut off the other end. Place the ends on the paper towel.
Set the knife down and slowly peel the banana, placing the peels on the paper towel.
Hold the banana steady on the board and cut the banana into slices about 1 inch wide. Cut right to left in a sawing motion.
Set down the knife and place 1 toothpick into each slice and move them onto the serving plate one at a time.
Take the plate to the designated spot in the room where the bananas are available for sharing. (snack table etc.)
Return to show clean up by folding the napkin over the peels and taking it to the compost or trash.
Show how to safely carry the knife and the cutting board to the washing area.
Show how to safely wash a knife and the cutting board.
Model how to wipe the mat.
Invite the child to bring back the empty tray and replenish the items.
Invite the child to select a banana to slice and go through the process.
When complete and cleaned up, the mat is rolled and the apron is folded.
Points of Interest:
The awareness of the sharp edge of the knife.
Cutting the banana into relatively thick even slices.
Following Exercises:
Preparing other foods
Using different tools: peeler, apple/egg slicer, crinkle cutter
Cooking and baking
Pedagogical Notes:
The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to prepare food. The food that is prepared is for the community.
You may incorporate an individual slice dish so the child who prepares may have their own serving.
Designate a place/table where prepared food is set for the children to help themselves. place in the room where food will be placed that is available for consumption.
You will need Grace and Courtesy lessons about how to take and how many to take.
Begin the day with a few bananas and a corresponding number of paper towels. Otherwise, they will never be eaten, and you will have a lot of cut bananas spoil.
Having children walk around offering food to others can be disruptive.