Slicing a Banana


Color Coded

  • Apron

  • Work area with waterproof surface

  • Tray or basket with bananas pulled apart

  • Cutting board

  • Paper towel or napkin

  • Sharp knife

  • Plates for serving

  • Toothpicks in a holder to use for serving

  • Sponge

    Optional:  individual slice dish

    *Color coded


  • Functional Independence

  • Visual Motor Coordination

  • Fine Motor Coordination

  • Development of a Sense of Order by Following a Sequence of Steps

Age: 3 and up  

Preparation: The child knows how to roll and unroll and underlay. They have participated in serving themselves snack. The child will be familiar with the dishwashing procedure.


  • Invite one child for a lesson on slicing a banana.

  • Each put on aprons and wash hands.

  • Show the child the materials and ask them to take the underlay and unroll it on the table.

  • Ask the child to bring the tray of materials from the shelf to the table. 

  • Layout all of the items with the plate and toothpicks at the top center of the underlay.  Lay the Sponge to the right of the plate.

  • The cutting board sits in front of the child with the knife to the left and the napkin to the right.

  • Have the child put the tray back on the shelf.

  • Explain what you are going to do. Return to the shelf and select a banana to take to the table.

  • Move your stool to the front of the table and sit.  

  • Unfold the paper towel and lay it on the right side of the table. And show the child how to pick up the knife with the non-dominant hand placing it in the dominant hand. Explain the blade is sharp.

  • Hold the banana steady and cut off the end, turn the banana around, and cut off the other end. Place the ends on the paper towel.

  • Set the knife down and slowly peel the banana, placing the peels on the paper towel.

  • Hold the banana steady on the board and cut the banana into slices about 1 inch wide. Cut right to left in a sawing motion.

  • Set down the knife and place 1 toothpick into each slice and move them onto the serving plate one at a time.  

  • Take the plate to the designated spot in the room where the bananas are available for sharing. (snack table etc.) 

  • Return to show clean up by folding the napkin over the peels and taking it to the compost or trash.

  •  Show how to safely carry the knife and the cutting board to the washing area.

  • Show how to safely wash a knife and the cutting board.

  • Model how to wipe the mat.

  • Invite the child to bring back the empty tray and replenish the items.

  • Invite the child to select a banana to slice and go through the process.

  • When complete and cleaned up, the mat is rolled and the apron is folded.

Points of Interest:

  • The awareness of the sharp edge of the knife.

  • Cutting the banana into relatively thick even slices.

Following Exercises:

  • Preparing other foods

  • Using different tools: peeler, apple/egg slicer, crinkle cutter

  • Juicing 

  • Cooking and baking

Pedagogical Notes:

  • The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to prepare food.  The food that is prepared is for the community. 

  • You may incorporate an individual slice dish so the child who prepares may have their own serving.

  • Designate a place/table where prepared food is set for the children to help themselves. place in the room where food will be placed that is available for consumption.

  • You will need Grace and Courtesy lessons about how to take and how many to take. 

  • Begin the day with a few bananas and a corresponding number of paper towels. Otherwise, they will never be eaten, and you will have a lot of cut bananas spoil.

  • Having children walk around offering food to others can be disruptive.

Layout Diagram


Polishing Shoes